Discover the enigmatic world of 'Evan's Remains,' a thrilling puzzle platformer featuring a captivating storyline and mesmerizing 2D pixel art. Embark on an unforgettable journey to find a missing boy, as the gameplay cleverly weaves narrative inspiration from Japanese graphic adventures with unique logic-based puzzles.
As you delve deeper into Evan's Remains, the story progresses with the resolution of two to three mind-bending puzzles. These thought-provoking challenges will truly test your deductive skills rather than mere reflexes. Prepare yourself to unlock new mechanics, unfolding an ever-enticing narrative.
Immerse yourself in the mysterious disappearance of Evan, a prodigious genius who has been missing for years. Stumble upon a letter signed personally by Evan, referencing an isolated paradise residing amongst the glistening waves of the Pacific Ocean. Perplexingly, he specifically beckons a mysterious girl named Dysis to be his rescuer. Together with Dysis, plunge headfirst into an intriguing adventure teeming with unanswered questions and mind-stirring puzzles. Diligently piece together all the fragments to unveil Evan’s fate.
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Whitethorn Games
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